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Michael Waddell and Bone Collector are here to kick-off Turkey Season with us!

Michael Waddell and Bone Collector are here to kick-off Turkey Season with us!

Posted by Peter Goodwin on

If you’re into hunting and fishing, you’re in the right place! Turkey Season is finally upon us, and we think you would be hard-pressed to find someone more excited about it than Michael Waddell and the crew over at Bone Collector

So, get ready, because we’ve got a few tips for you from Michael Waddell to help kick off your season right!


Bone Collector Turkey Season

So, What Is Michael Waddell Doing To Prepare For The Season?

Well to start with, you can bet Michael has already created some good food plots and undertaken a few habitat projects. This is key if you want to attract turkey to your property, provide great spots for nesting, and develop diverse turkey nutrients options.

Michael Waddell also suggests that if you haven’t already started scouting for turkey, you should go ahead and do so! Find your vantage points, set up your trail cameras, do everything you can do to gather intel and know where those long beards are!

If you’re hunting on someone else’s private land, don’t forget to keep your relationship going strong! Although investing in that relationship long before the season begins is better, it’s not too late to still give them a call, send a note, bake some cookies, or whatever you feel says “thank you” best.

And last but not least, Michael Waddell is probably practicing his early-season turkey call right about now too! After all, practice makes perfect!

Turkey Season Groove Ring

How Is An Early Season Call Different?

If you didn’t know that your call should change over the course of the season, don’t feel bad because we didn’t know either! But over the time that we’ve known Michael Waddell, we’ve learned a thing or two!

One of the best ways to learn more from this hunter master is to check out his shows Realtree Road Trips, Booger Bottom USA, and Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector.

On his YouTube, Michael actually recommends that at the beginning of the season, your calls should be much more boisterous and bold, as opposed to the end when they are a little timider and almost shy.

Also, remember that the foliage around you is going to be much less dense so your calls will carry much more easily. And that’s GREAT! Let those calls roar!

These gobblers are in the early season phase right now, so they are going to be extremely vocal and ready for breeding!

And when in doubt, check out The Bone Collector YouTube channel for some great examples of early-season calls, or visit Bone Collector’s Instagram and be one of 450,000 others who get all their hunting advice from Michael and the crew there.

Turkey Call

The Grand Slam

Over the years, the Man from Booger Bottom, GA has become famous for his ability to call and hunt Turkey, the Realtree Grand American Turkey Calling Contest being the catalyst for his speedy rise to fame. Since then he has grown in popularity and never ceased to amaze people with the sheer number of Slams he has completed and the feats he has performed.

Speaking of Slams, let’s talk about the different Slams that are recognized by the National Wild Turkey Federation and what they all mean.

A slam is essentially the true test of a hunter’s abilities in which you are tasked with harvesting each and every species or subspecies listed for the slam you choose to undertake.

There are six slams total, each one fairly simple yet difficult in its own way, with the Grand Slam being the biggest and baddest challenge of them all. The full slams list includes:

  • The Grand Slam
  • The Royal Slam
  • The World Slam
  • The Mexican Slam
  • The Canadian Slam
  • and The U.S. Super Slam

If you want to learn more about the specifics of each Slam, you can check it out on the NWTF’s Slams page.

Turkey Hunting Season

Why Michael Waddell Chooses To Wear A Groove Ring

As Michael so eloquently put it, “these rings are changing the whole way married men wear jewelry. Instead of having the old gold or metallic wedding band, replace it with a Groove Ring!”

It’s pretty simple. Groove Rings areThey’re comfortable, they’re good looking, and they just make sense when you’re out there hunting like Michael is all the time!

If you’re looking for a Bone Collector Groove Ring of your own, look no further! You can check out our whole lineup of Bone Collector Rings right here!

And from all of us here at Groove,

Keep Groovin’!

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